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Crypto Checkout API Reference

This website documents the public API for PlasmaPay Crypto Checkout

You can view code examples in the dark area to the right; switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.



GET ''


GET '{orderId}'


GET ''


GET '{orderId}'

Invoices are statements of amounts owed by a customer, and are either generated one-off.

They contain invoice items, and proration adjustments that may be caused by subscription upgrades/downgrades (if necessary).

Note that finalizing the invoice, when automatic, does not happen immediately as the invoice is created. PlasmaPay would sent a webhook after success invoice payment. If you (and the platforms you may have connected to) have no webhooks configured, PlasmaPay provides an API that can be called to figure out invoice status.

PlasmaPay applies any customer credit on the account before determining the amount due for the invoice (i.e., the amount that will be actually charged).

GET /quote

Get a quote.

  -X GET 
  -H "content-type: application/json" 
  -H "authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>"{FROM}&to={TO}&amount={AMOUNT}
var request = require('request');

const options = { uri: '', method: 'GET', headers: { 'content-Type': 'application/json', 'authorization': 'Bearer API_KEY' }, qs: { "from": "{FROM}", "to": "{TO}", "amount": "{AMOUNT}" } }

request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) { // Handle body } });


200 Ok
Content-Type: application/json


   "quoteId": "{QUOTE_ID}",
   "fiat": {
       "amount": "{AMOUNT}",
       "currencyCode": "{FROM}",
       "min": "{MIN_AMOUNT}",
       "max": "{MAX_AMOUNT}"
   "crypto": {
       "amount": "{CRYPTO_AMOUNT}",
       "currencyCode": "{TO}"

In order to get a quote from the server you must make a GET request to


with the apiKey as query parameter or Bearer <API_KEY> as authorization header.

Parameter Meaning Available values
from={FROM} Currency code you want to sell (required) EUR
to={TO} Currency code you want to buy (required) BTC
amount={AMOUNT} Amount in a currency code FROM (required) -

After receive the success response you can create an order by using api to create a new order.

POST /orders/create

Create an order by sending form via post

  -H "content-type: application/json"
  -H "authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>"
  -d '{"withdrawalAddress": "{WITHDRAWAL_ADDRESS}", "quoteId": "{QUOTE_ID}", "metadata": {"{KEY}": "{VALUE}"}, "merchantId": "{MERCHANT_ID}", "accountId": "{USER_ID}", "email": "{EMAIL}", "phone": "{PHONE}" }'
var request = require('request');

const options = { uri: '', method: 'POST', headers: { 'content-Type': 'application/json', 'authorization': 'Bearer API_KEY' }, json: { "withdrawalAddress": "{WITHDRAWAL_ADDRESS}", "quoteId": "{QUOTE_ID}", "metadata": { "{KEY}": "{VALUE}" }, "merchantId": "{MERCHANT_ID}", "accountId": "{USER_ID}", "email": "{EMAIL}", "phone": "{PHONE}" } }

request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) { // Handle body } });


200 Ok
Content-Type: application/json


  "id": "{ID}",
  "status": "{STATUS}",
  "method": "{METHOD}",
  "fiatCurrencyCode": "{FIAT_CURRENCY_CODE}",
  "fiatAmount": "{FIAT_AMOUNT}",
  "cryptoCurrencyCode": "{CRYPTO_CURRENCY_CODE}",
  "cryptoAmount": "{CRYPTO_AMOUNT}",
  "quote": "{QUOTE}",
  "withdrawalAddress": "{WITHDRAWAL_ADDRESS}",
  "link": "{LINK}",
  "createdAt": "{CREATED_AT}",
  "updatedAt": "{UPDATED_AT}",
  "metadata": {
      "{KEY}": "{VALUE}"
  "merchantId": "{MERCHANT_ID}",
  "accountId": "{USER_ID}",
  "email": "{EMAIL}",
  "phone": "{PHONE}"

In order to create a new order on the server you must make a POST request to


with the apiKey as query parameter or Bearer <API_KEY> as authorization header.

After receive response you must redirect/open user browser with {LINK}.

Parameter Meaning
withdrawalAddress={WITHDRAWAL_ADDRESS} string (required) Withdrawal address you want to get crypto
quoteId={QUOTE_ID} string (required) Quote ID you have got from /quote request
method={METHOD} string (optional) Method of payment example "credit_card"
successUri={SUCCESS_URI} string (optional) Success URI for return user to your success page
failureUri={FAILURE_URI} string (optional) Failure URI for return user to your failure page
merchantId={MERCHANT_ID} string (optional) External ID / ID of your order
accountId={USER_ID} string (optional) External user ID / ID of your user
metadata={METADATA} string (optional) Key value storage
email={EMAIL} string (optional) Email of a user
phone={PHONE} string (optional) The phone number to lookup in E.164 format, which consists of a + followed by the country code and subscriber number - 12 to 24 characters

GET /orders/{orderId}

Get an order.

  -X GET
  -H "content-type: application/json"
  -H "authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>"{orderId}
var request = require('request');

const options = { uri: '{orderId}', method: 'GET', headers: { 'content-Type': 'application/json', 'authorization': 'Bearer API_KEY' }, json: true }

request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) { // Handle body } });


200 Ok
Content-Type: application/json


  "id": "{ID}",
  "status": "{STATUS}",
  "method": "{METHOD}",
  "fiatCurrencyCode": "{FIAT_CURRENCY_CODE}",
  "fiatAmount": "{FIAT_AMOUNT}",
  "cryptoCurrencyCode": "{CRYPTO_CURRENCY_CODE}",
  "cryptoAmount": "{CRYPTO_AMOUNT}",
  "quote": "{QUOTE}",
  "withdrawalAddress": "{WITHDRAWAL_ADDRESS}",
  "link": "{LINK}",
  "createdAt": "{CREATED_AT}",
  "updatedAt": "{UPDATED_AT}",
  "metadata": {
    "{KEY}": "{VALUE}"
  "merchantId": "{MERCHANT_ID}",
  "accountId": "{USER_ID}",
  "email": "{EMAIL}",
  "phone": "{PHONE}"

In order to get a quote from the server you must make a GET request to


with the apiKey as query parameter or Bearer <API_KEY> as authorization header.

Status codes

The PlasmaPay API uses the following error codes:

Code Meaning
200 OK Successful request
201 Created New object saved
204 No content Object deleted
Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- You have passed a malformed request
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is incorrect
403 Forbidden -- The resource requested is not available with your permissions
404 Not Found -- The specified resource could not be found
422 Unprocessable Entity -- Your request is invalid
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later
503 Service Unavailable (Time out) -- The server is overloaded or down for maintenance